VEDEM FOUNDATION | Foundation Mission
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Foundation Mission


The Vedem Foundation produces, operates and promotes its traveling museum collection about Vedem, the longest-running underground magazine to be regularly produced in a Nazi camp. The Foundation aims to provide both the catalyst and tools for young adults to become creative activists within their communities through innovative multimedia materials and programming, including:


EXHIBITS: three immersive traveling multimedia shows that combine Vedem’s comics, art, poetry and prose with contemporary graphics to create a collage that reinterprets Vedem as a work of rebellion and social commentary that remains as relevant today as it did more than 70 years ago.


FILM: The powerful Vedem Underground feature documentary is sponsored in part by the Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation’s Lynn and Jules Kroll Fund. The film follows Vedem’s adolescent writers as they risk their lives to create the magazine’s weekly issues that documented the defiance, satire, hard-won victories and heartbreak that typified teenage life inside the walls of Czechoslovakia’s Terezin Ghetto.


GRAPHIC NOVEL: Discover how a secret society of teenage boys created the longest running magazine in a Nazi camp to expose the truth behind Hitler’s biggest hoax. This inspiring tale is told using innovative graphics and articles, art and poetry pulled directly from Vedem’s 83 issues.


WORKSHOPSInnovative and interdisciplinary creative activism workshops combine a history lesson on Vedem with a tutorial in both journalism and art. These workshops provide an invaluable forum to explore personal identity through socially-engaged creativity.